Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day Seven – Big Deals over Printed Puppies and Pastel Plates.

Day Seven – Big Deals over Printed Puppies and Pastel Plates.

The art rooms were filled today with printmaking chatter and inky hands. Students were printing on counters, tables, and their desks. I was running around answering questions and demonstrating how to ink up rollers. I'm basically getting my daily dose of exercise and teaching at the same time. Through the past couple of days students have started to not just stay at student status but also act in a teaching role. Students are able to lend knowledge to each other about colors, process, and self-assurance. Yes, we still run into problems with ink, and cut plates; I turned my back for a few minutes today and a small blue line of ink turned into a desktop full of a light blue inky puddle. But the students are now learning a little better to take on that responsibility.

You would never think just pulling paper off a plate would bring a similar response to a touchdown or home run. Jumping up and down and screaming was happening even before noon. Our drying shelves were all filled to the brim today, and every roller was in use. Mrs. Downs (art teacher) was so proud of her students, it was really an awesome sight to see. We are teachers, we invest a lot, and seeing the the students push through the not-to-fun times of carving, and getting to printing can really get one excited... and no it's not just from the caffeine from our early morning coffee.
The excitement art can bring is like no other. Even the students that would never identify as an artist are getting the art bug. Being able to finally see their hard work of carving plates paying off is keeping them engaged to continue to the next step. They're not just learning how to create a new form of art, but how to communicate about the process as well.

I asked the students why they take art
To hang out with friends
Because they like art
So they can take other art classes
So they don't have to take a hard class
So they can work independently
To get ready for art classes in collage
To learn how to teach art
Because their mom made them
Everyone's answer is different, but all in all...we are here and all making art.

Tomorrow students will start to design an art department t-shirt...I tell myself to get ready for another world wind of crazy ideas.

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